Balance for Busy Moms


I’m very happy to announce the release of the new book, Balance for Busy Moms.  As I mentioned previously, I was honored to participate in this book as a contributing author.  I was approached by Heather Love Eden, the co-author of this anthology, to collaborate with 30 other exceptional women to bring this wonderful book into being.


We created this anthology for the purpose of helping moms empower themselves and find happiness in all areas in their lives. Our mission is to assist every mom to find her way to inner tranquility even within the noise, interruption and distraction of the world. Moms can gain the skills needed to really act with love instead of react with frustration. Balance for Busy Moms!



This book is intended to help each mom learn to fill her life with self-love, spilling over into every area of her life with a completely fulfilled heart, fit mind and healthy body. Each chapter is a lesson to assist mom in every area of her life.  In my chapter, Feng Shui for Moms: How to Manage the Flow in Your Home, I share tips on how to manage all your children’s toys, decorate their rooms, why bunkbeds are a no-no, what to do with their artwork and more. By following these tips, many of my clients have experienced great success.


Given all the stresses and frustrations of being a busy mom, you owe it to yourself to get this book. It will help you realize that you are not alone. There are means of assistance you can call on both outside yourself and within. You can achieve tranquility and manage your life and family at the same time. Balance for Busy Moms can help you find the path.

So, make yourself a cup of tea and give yourself a moment to enjoy this wonderful stress-free guide to tranquility. You deserve it!

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