First, I want to say Happy Valentines Day! It is fitting that this week we will be focusing on the last area of the bagua – The Fame and Recognition area.  This area represents the Fire Element in Feng Shui which is great for helping you receive recognition for your talents and gifts and for bringing more passion and fun to your life!

 This is a fun area of the bagua, it’s all about being seen and recognized in your world.

How do you want people to perceive you? Do you get the recognition you desire?

The Fame area is located in the rear central part of the Bagua. This area influences how we are perceived in the world. Often, my clients who struggle with being seen for their true talents have clutter in this area and are unconsciously blocking their success.

This area is also considered a Power Area, so if you need courage to make a change in your life this is the area you want to clean up and add some decor that reflects how you want to be seen in the world.

Let’s take a deeper look into this area with this week’s video.

After watching the video, did you gain any clarity on how important it is to make shifts in your home?

What areas of your home do you need to focus on to clear up any creativity blocks in your life?

Comment below and share your insights and what changes you are going to make in your space today.

I look forward to reading all your comments below.

Additional Resources:

  1. How to Use the Feng Shui Bagua Video 

  2. Download the Feng Shui Bagua

  3. Mantra: “I let go of what no longer serves me. I am creating space for my success.”

  4. Schedule a Free 30 minute Clear Your Clutter call

Love and Success,

P.S. Feeling challenged with your space? Not sure how to use the bagua?  Feel overwhelmed with clutter and organizing?  Schedule a Free 30 minute Clear Your Clutter with me and let’s discuss how I can help you create a space that looks and feels good. Click here to fill out a questionnaire and get started today.