Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have enough support? It’s like going to the store and asking for help and the salesperson telling you she’ll be right back but she never comes?  There you are feeling stranded and frustrated in the store wondering why its so hard to find good help.

My belief is that its all in how we ask and if we are open to receiving.  Done in the right way with the right intentions, good help quickly comes our way!

In this week’s video I’m going to help you use the bagua to locate your “Helpful People/ Travel” area of your home. I’m going to share a story of how I used this area when I was in the middle of a lawsuit several years ago.  I will share the action steps I took that helped me successfully receive my settlement, and the mistakes I made that if corrected could have awarded me $5,000 more in my settlement.

I believe this is one area of the home you can utilize a lot more than you think. It is a key area if you are needing help finding a job, with legal issues or any other area where you need more support and guidance.

This is the video to watch as my tips can be used any time for anything.  Please watch the video below:

After watching the video, did you gain any clarity on how important it is to make shifts in your home?

What areas of your home do you need to focus on to invite more support into your life?

Comment below and share your insights and what changes you are going to make in your space today.

I look forward to reading all your comments below.

Additional Resources:

  1. How to Use the Feng Shui Bagua Video 

  2. Download the Feng Shui Bagua

  3. Mantra: “I let go of what no longer serves me. I am creating space for my success.”

  4. Schedule a chat with Christine

Love and Success,

P.S. If you feel overwhelmed about your home from clutter to getting organized now is the perfect time to have a Feng Shui Consultation. Click here and let’s chat about how I can help you create a beautiful home.