You’ve probably heard plants are good Feng Shui, but what if you don’t have a green thumb?  I’ve questioned this too as I have killed many a plant in my day!

In fact, when I first started to study Feng Shui, I bought a jade plant also known as “the money plant.”  I was so proud of my little plant, it was doing well at first but then it slowly started to die and I was left with just a few branches that I thought I could save.  My friend came over and pointed out that my plant represented my own abundance, or lack of it!  I immediately got rid of the plant and decided I was giving up on plants, until another friend suggested another plant that was easy breezy to maintain.  Well it’s been 6 years and my plant is still thriving!  

It is true that in Feng Shui plants are well known to be good for your wealth chi and they are a must have in your home.  So let me share about one plant you just cannot kill, even if you have a black thumb!   In today’s video I will share my special plant and tell why every gal needs a Peace Lily in her home!

Click Below to watch the video:

I’d love to hear how you are applying these Feng Shui tips,  leave a comment on the blog.

Love and Success,

Christine Bove

PS- If you like this video and ready to write a new Money Story check out my new program the 27 Day Wealth Accumulator Challenge.