Is Your Space Sabotaging Your Success?

It’s not the first thing people think about when they feel like nothing is working in their life, but the environments we spend our time in from home, to work to the people we hang out with have a strong impact on many levels. Especially for those who are sensitive and intuitive who are like sponges picking up everyone else’s energy. Is that you?

When I was younger I knew I could sense things but I never knew what it meant and how I would take on other people’s energy. In my early twenties, I went to an estchian who was very spiritual and she would say to me “you’re so sensitive” she must have said that in every session but I misunderstood what she meant. I would think… “No, I’m not, I’m not a baby or weak.” I saw it as a bad thing, a sign that I was weak, but that’s not what she meant. Ironically she began to introduce me into the spiritual world and I started to discover and understand energy – our energy, other people’s energy and later on I learned environmental energy with Feng Shui.

Here’s the thing, we are all sensitive and intuitive beings but there are many people who are more in tune and tap into the energies around us. How do you know? Well in Feng Shui sensitive people have strong qualities of metal and water. Do you notice you are really happy and then walk into work and your energy drops?  Do you find you’d rather spend time alone than with large crowds? Do you receive insights or have hits when something is about to happen?

 One day I was driving with a friend on the backroads of Greenwich and we were driving into Westchester and I knew immediately when we crossed the border. She was fascinated I said I don’t need the signs I feel the energy shift right away. Its become natural to me and now more than ever my intuitive skills are stronger. It’s taken me years to practice disconnecting my energy and learning to protect my energy so I’m not taking on others, something so many of us are not aware of.

In the beginning of my Feng Shui business I practiced energetic space clearing as a separate service. This was where some of most profound success stories come from.  Several involve helping people sell their homes that had been on the market for years and through several realtors. My most intriguing story was when a client called me in because she kept waking up at night and felt there was an entity or negative energy that was attacking her. She lived in a 100 year old barn that was converted into an apartment. As I performed my space clearing I picked up various energies throughout the space, but the interesting part of the session was when her cat came out. Now this tends to happen during consultations, people say my cat comes out for no one, but they always come out when I’m clearing. I believe animals help us to heal and my teacher told me cats tend to clear negative energies. So as I approached her bedr oom I picked up a strong disturbance in her bedroom. I felt a suicide had taken place in the barn and considering it’s 100 years old I’m sure the barn was full of happenings, but I did sense this was a suicide as I cleared the cat stood outside the door staring at me as if he knew what I was doing. The client looked at me and she could feel that cat was helping me. The cat started circling around and around until I felt the release and boom the cat went down the stairs to the front door and we opened the door and released the entity. I didn’t understand what happened at that moment and my client was in awe herself. As I drove home I tried to comprehend what happened, but all I could recall is what my energy teacher, Eric Dowsett, used to say, “Don’t get attached to the story just be and allow what needs to happen, happen.” That’s not easy in our world where we need to explain things, but after years of doing this for clients and my own healing experiences I will tell you healing happens in unusual ways and you have to trust it.

 My client reported to me she was able to sleep again and felt more peaceful in her home. She noticed the energy was more calming and while she was sleeping better she was also able to work better in her home office. So often people don’t think about the unseen energies from our space and how they can impact us, but it’s something we need to understand so we can avoid taking on other people energies.

After years of this work, it’s natural to me to just clear a space by just showing up, I naturally do it when I’m working with my Feng Shui clients. Over the years, I’ve taught my clients different tools they can do to protect their space and own energy. Now I’ve created a Space Clearing Meditation for you to do on your home. You can do this meditation anytime and anywhere. In this guided meditation I guide you through your home to clear any negative energies from you or previous occupants in your space. This meditation is powerful to help you awaken to anything that may be blocking you from moving forward in your life.

As you perform this clearing you may discover some old beliefs from your past that could be impacting your health, finances, relationships, etc. This Space Clearing Meditation is ideal if you are struggling to clear the clutter in your home, ended a relationship, buying or selling your home, recovering from an illness, struggling with emotional breakdowns or arguments, etc.

This meditation is perfect as we approach the holiday season.  With all the gatherings, busy shopping malls and hosting people in our homes, you will be interacting with many different energies and you will want to protect your own energy and the energy of your space. If you find yourself hosting a gathering for some of your least favorite people, it is important to remember to utilize this meditation the following day to clear your space of the negative energy.

Here’s what one customer had to say:

“Who wouldn’t want to Clear Their Space for New Beginnings? This is something that Christine has opened my eyes and heart to. I never understood at a basic and fundamental level, how much your environment plays into following your dreams and actually being able to make them come true. Her meditation will help you get to the bottom of your most frustrating spaces, allowing you to feel freedom and success like you’ve never experienced before. I am going to use this meditation whenever I am anticipating a new beginning. I can already feel the magic beginning to unfold after putting Christine’s visualization techniques into practice. Thank you for making this so fun and easy!

Creator of the Discovering Your Brand Story®

The meditation is a 20 minute guided meditation set to beautiful music (by Grammy-nominated composer, David Dachinger) you can listen to anytime anywhere. You can purchase your copy and get started in just minutes.

Click here and purchase your copy today.

Love and Success,
