My client called me out!

My client called me out the other day, not in a bad way but in a good way. She said I was holding out on my clients.  That something I am using successfully in my own life and with some of my clients should be shared more broadly as it can have a profound impact on our lives.

You see, I was working with my client, Melaine, to Feng Shui her space for the purpose of helping her get pregnant. During our session she told me she had been struggling to become pregnant over the past year.  While we were working on the Feng Shui, I told her about another client, Lisa, who I worked with on using the Blood Type Diet by Dr. Peter D’Adamo, and supplements for the purpose of getting pregnant.  She too had been struggling for a year.  Within 3 months of cleaning up her diet, going wheat, gluten and dairy free along with the right supplements she became pregnant! Melanie asked me to coach her on the diet as she was willing to try anything. So, I did and Melanie is now 4 months pregnant!

Melanie was blown away by the knowledge I shared right down to what to buy and how to get the best cost.

“Christine, you save me so much time and money, just the first session blew me away and after implementing your tips on eliminating food my energy was shifted and my husband said, ‘what’s up honey, your not so cranky this week!’”

Would you love to hear your honey say that?

Melanie had such great results she asked me why I was hiding this health coaching service from my clients!  I have shared openly my own health challenges – digestive issues, acne and PMS – and how the Blood Type Diet really changed my life.

Starting back when I was a teen, I had severe PMS, digestive issues and acne, but doctors didn’t provide me with any effective advice. They conducted all kinds of tests that came up with nothing and one doctor advised that I change jobs that it was the stress, but that didn’t turn out to be the issue.

I decided to take control by heading to the book store (yep, they were popular back then!).  I spent months reading various health and diet books but nothing seem to work until I found the book, Live Right for Your Type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.  This book resonated with all of my issues.  After only one week on this diet I felt great.  I needed a system to follow and the Blood Type Diet did just that for me.  As an “O” type, I need a protein based diet with little grains.  That was simple to follow but the challenge was when I went out to eat, or shopping for snacks at the office or at family gatherings.  You see, this was 15 years ago back before all these health foods were as popular as they are today.  I finally figured out my own formula that worked for me within this diet and that was great until I started feeling so good I thought I could dip my foot back into the junk the “avoid” foods. I found myself saying “once in awhile isn’t going to hurt,” but this mentality and lack of discipline began to happen too much.  I realized that as soon as I stopped being as disciplined, all my nasty symptoms would come back!  I learned quickly it doesn’t pay to get off track.  But that is part of the journey – the ups and downs and your own self-discipline.

I have been doing great, but this past summer something was off again and for the first time in 10 years, I had to use an antibiotic and that was a big deal for me!  I confessed to my doctor that I had been sloppy with my diet, I had been eating spelt, indulging in the wheat and gluten crackers and was treating myself to organic ice cream once a week!  This was no good!

The doctor told me I was on the verge on an auto-immune disease and he suggested I get 100% compliant, and so I did. Let me tell you, I have seen the biggest changes.  My energy is the best it has been – even better than in my 20’s!  No more indigestion, no more brain fog but much more energy.  I have more days where I’m working for 4-5 hours straight without the foggy energy.

I know it is a pain and a struggle to maintain this lifestyle!  It definitely is not easy! I’ve had meltdowns in food stores and at times find it too challenging to eat out. Nothing is more frustrating than staring at a menu and finding a problem with every dish. Going to parties can be a struggle not knowing the ingredients in the food – do I take a chance and hope it’s not going to bother me or do I ask and risk receiving a blank store or rolled eyes and your friend thinks you are being annoying?

There is definitely more awareness about nutrition and dietary needs but it can still be confusing.  If you are like me, you may find a gluten, wheat, and dairy free recipe, but it still has other “avoid” ingredients!

It can just be so hard. I know you need support!  Everyone does.  I have heard all the complaints about staying on this diet, in fact I used to hear them daily!  Several years ago I worked for Dr. D’Adamo part time helping customers understand the diet and use his supplements.   The job was a great joy for me as I was on the diet myself so I understood the customer’s pain. Most commonly patients would complain about the lack of support in helping them know how to eat and stay on the diet. The scary thing was that I even had doctors and professionals asking me for advice!

I learned so much from those calls and being trained by Dr. D’Adamo. I’ve heard the customer’s pain, I’ve dealt with my pain and I’ve overcome it myself so decided to share my knowledge and offer my support to you!

I’ve decided to take Melanie up on her challenge and make it my mission to help you makeover your health with my new service – Healthy Lifestyle Makeovers. I’m offering this new service in addition to my Feng Shui and Fashion Feng Shui® services.

I will be offering a free webinar in a few weeks about this new service but first I want to pass along a special discount to my current subscribers and friends:

I would like to extend a special price of $125 for this 90 minute session – regularly $197! Click here and enter code: HEALTHY Special offer ends April 4, 2014.

If you are always tired, continually dealing with digestive issues, IBS, allergies, weight loss, PMS, hormonal issues, skin issues, acne, brain fogginess, or maybe you’ve been on those wheat, gluten or dairy free diets and have fallen off the boat, this is the solution for you!

I’m offering healthy lifestyle makeovers introductory sessions.

In these sessions we’ll look objectively at your current diet and lifestyle so we can create a customized diet and lifestyle plan that fully supports you.

Here’s what you can expect in your 90 minutes session:

  • Prior to your consultation you will complete a questionnaire explaining all your current health struggles.
  • We’ll focus on your top 3 health challenges from food to fitness.
  • You’ll receive on the spot suggestions for the best diet plan, what foods to eliminate from your diet, what foods are ideal for you to eat from meals to snacks and how to eat out or attend social gatherings.
  • I’ll help you elevate your goals and get clear on what areas of your life need to adjust to support your goals.
  • We’ll assess your current supplement regimen and determine if you need to make any changes and I will offer suggestions for good quality  supplements at affordable prices.
  • You’ll receive a pdf with my food shopping list, my top 5 favorite easy recipes, complete details on where to buy foods and more.
  • Tips for a fitness plan and how to start a mediation practice.

This session is all about giving you a lifestyle makeover so, it’s customized to whatever challenges you are having. It can be different for each individual depending on the areas you need most assistance.

The goal is to get you back on track, energize your body, mind and spirit.

Buy now at my special price of $125 for this 90 minute session – regularly $197! Click here and enter code: HEALTHY  Special offer ends April 4, 2014.

Just as I confessed I knew I was doing the wrong thing and I had to make a change.  It is not easy to open up about this topic but I did and found the support I needed.  Don’t wait! Get the support you need now!

I’m making it easy for you! I’ve got all the tools. I know what works and what doesn’t.  Sadly, your doctor isn’t going to change, most are stuck in the old-school way.

If you are ready to feel good, have more energy, play with your kids, be creative in your work or lose that weight once and for all then what are you waiting for?

Register now for one session!  This is your starting point!

In few weeks, I’m going live with this new service and my schedule is limited for these sessions, so book yours today!

Snag this special price of $125 for this 90 minute session – regularly $197! Click here and enter coupon code: HEALTHY

It’s time to feel good!  Hurry, the special offer ends April 4, 2014!