I hope you enjoyed last week’s video.Many of you wrote to tell me some of the insights you found in your career area and are working fast to remove some of that clutter.

This week we are going to take a look at the “Relationship” area of your home. This is the area located in the farthest right corner of your space and reflects your relationships from romantic, to family, friends and even business relationships.

Once you watch the video, I would love to hear your insights on what you discovered in your “Relationship” area, leave comment below.

Additional Resources:

  1. How to Use the Feng Shui Bagua Video 

  2. Download the Feng Shui Bagua

  3. Mantra: “I let go of what no longer serves me. I am creating space for my success.”

  4. Book a discovery call with Christine

I look forward to reading your insights!

Love and Success,