I know it can be hard to motivate yourself to get started on dealing with all that clutter!  When do you have the time? But what if you learned your clutter was not just preventing you from seeing your countertops, but it can also be preventing you from achieving your goals? Would that motivate you?

I have shared with you before, one simple tool called the Ba-gua.  This tool used in Feng Shui can help you see how your clutter is actually impacting your life. It is a 9 section map you place over your floor plan to determine what areas in your home correlate with the areas of the Ba-gua.

Click  on image below to download Ba-gua

or click below to  watch a brief video on how to place the floor plan on your space.

To make it easy, take out a blank piece of paper and make a rough drawing of your floor plan. Just the first floor is fine, don’t worry about it being perfect. Once you’ve drawn your floor plan, refer to the Ba-gua and draw the nine squares over your floor starting at your front door(if you have a complicated floor plan just make the nine boxes over your drawing so you can get an idea of which areas are represented in the Ba-gua).  Another way to determine areas of struggle, is to place the Ba-gua over one room, your office or even your desk.

Let me give you an understanding of the 9 areas of the Ba-gua:

Box #1: Career – If you have clutter in this area it could mean a struggle to find a career you love, or finding a job, your life purpose and/or advancing in your career.

Box #2:  Relationships – Your clutter here may represent problems in your current relationship. You may feel stuck, have lost the spark or are fighting a lot. If you are single you may have trouble finding your true love or feel stuck in your past relationships.

Box #3: New Beginnings/Family – If you have clutter here you may be having issues with family or authority figures as well as trouble starting new things.

Box #4: Wealth – Clutter in this area can block your cash flow, prevent you from getting a raise or receiving unexpected income.

Box #5: Health –  Your clutter here can mean health problems, or issues with maintaining your proper weight.

Box #6: Helpful People/ Travel – Clutter in this area may mean you lack support and feel like you are doing it all by yourself.  It may also prevent you from traveling or making a move.

Box #7: Creativity/Children – Finding clutter in this area could block your creativity to write, paint, design, sew, or pursue any creative projects for pleasure or work. This could also prevent you from getting pregnant or if you have children, represent a struggle with children respecting you.

Box #8: Self Knowledge/ Wisdom – Clutter in this area may create blocks in self-improvement, decision making or learning.

Box #9: Fame/Recognition – Clutter in this area may block you from promotions, winning an award or contest, or being appreciated for your work. You may also feel like your life is boring and are finding it hard to have fun in your life.

So now you know how to map out the Ba-gua over your space.  Are you seeing any connections to your clutter and current goals? 

Once my clients see the connection to their clutter they finally have the “aha” moment, “wow, I see now how I am blocking myself!”

One of my clients had an over-sized desk and a large file cabinet in her bedroom. Every morning she would open her eyes to the clutter on this furniture. I asked her how she felt, her response – “tired and overwhelmed.” Plus, she was struggling in her relationship finding it dull and boring. Boom, she had the “aha” and the next day she cleared the clutter, rearranged her bedroom and emailed me a week later to share how removing the desk and file cabinet from her bedroom helped her discover a new career and her husband loved the bedroom changes and sparked the passion back in their life!

What do you need to de-clutter or rearrange to make a difference in your life? Leave a comment below if this exercise helped you get motivated to clear your clutter. If you are struggling with learning how to use the Ba-gua or feel overwhelmed with your clutter consider a basic Feng Shui consultation by clicking here.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Feng Shui expert, Christine Bove, inspires successful women to allow their creative energies to flow into their environments, images and mindsets to improve their confidence, bring clarity to their future and set them up for success.   Sign up to receive her 5 Feng Shui video tips at www.christinebove.com.”