Staying cool and looking great in hot weather can be challenging, but the suit-with-shorts trend offers a versatile solution. It’s a fun and trendy look, although it can be a bit tricky. Some corporate places may not be too fond of this style, especially if the shorts are on the shorter side. However, wearing longer shorts, above the knee, may be more acceptable in some places, giving you the freedom to adapt this trend to different settings.

One of the key advantages of this outfit is its adaptability to temperature changes. Whether you’re stepping out into the heat or entering an air-conditioned space, this ensemble allows for easy transitions. Simply remove the jacket when it’s hot and slip it back on when the chill sets in. However, for those who tend to run hot or cold, the jacket alone may not suffice.

This look can make you feel powerful, confident, and sexy, and it’s not just for casual settings. It works well for fun environments, outdoor social events, casual networking, or evening and nighttime activities. However, it may not be the best choice for more formal corporate settings, unless you opt for longer shorts. This versatility allows you to feel confident in your style choices for a variety of occasions.

I like the look, although I have yet to try it. Shorts work better for me than a skirt. I suggest adding this to my wardrobe and choosing a bold color.

What are your thoughts on this look?