Creating a signature look, like iconic Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City, is about expressing your uniqueness through your style. It’s about having the confidence to wear outfits that stand out and reflect who you are.


When clients come to me to reinvent their look, I always ask who their style icons are. They often have several different icons, and we discuss what they like about them. Sometimes, I encounter resistance when clients feel certain styles won’t work for them.


I tell my clients that these icons are their inspiration and just part of the puzzle to creating their signature look. A powerful signature look is created by knowing who you want to be in your career path and the lifestyle you want. It’s about finding a look that speaks about your identity and emanates your confidence.


The women considered iconic in their style have strong confidence in themselves and walk into a room owning it, as opposed to trying to fit in. What you should admire most isn’t the outfit but their confidence in showcasing who they are, not how they will fit in.


You have to learn to own your identity.


How would you like to reinvent yourself this summer and make space in your closet and home for the new you?


I’ve got a solution for you! Stay tuned!