I was listening to a podcast where the actress mentioned that when the clothes for a movie are not right, she has a harder time becoming her character.


On every movie set and TV show, a stylist collaborates with the actors to craft signature looks. The actor’s involvement in this process is crucial, as they contribute their understanding of what the character would feel connected to in these clothes.


This applies to creating your signature look for when you are working, doing presentations, or photoshoots. There’s a particular look you are creating that is similar to an actor stepping into their role.


The energy you bring to leading your team or speaking on stages is distinct from the energy you exude when with your spouse, kids, or friends. This underscores the need for a versatile signature look that can adapt to these different roles.


The more powerful your role, the more power you should create in your signature look.


At times, I hear a lot of excuses from women who want the energy of not caring about their appearance, as if it were a badge. But I always know there’s more to that belief.


But here’s the thing: having a clear understanding of your signature look and why it matters, how it impacts your confidence, and how it helps you pick out outfits for events can save you time and money, making you more efficient and resourceful in your professional life.


The ultimate goal of creating a signature look is to achieve clear, energetic alignment. This alignment, which encompasses knowing who you are, understanding people’s feelings and signals, and projecting the right energy, is what your signature look should attract.


If you are ready to create that signature look, book your call here Let’s talk about how and see if we are a match to work together. This step can begin a journey towards a more confident and successful you.