Last week, I conducted a social media poll to find out my followers’ favorite fashion season. Based on the responses across different platforms, fall seems to be the preferred season, followed by summer. It makes sense, as fall is associated with back-to-school shopping and a fresh start with new classmates and teachers.

As we approach August, I want to focus on preparing for the fall season and embracing our best selves. Have you been putting off self-care this year? Consider planning a self-care day for yourself, where you can do things you love without interruptions. It’s essential to take time for yourself and recharge. Let’s schedule this day for August and make plans to ensure it’s a fulfilling and rejuvenating experience. Hit reply and tell your date and what you will be doing.

How have your skincare routines been going? Remember to use the products regularly to see results, especially if you’ve purchased new ones. Also, check the expiration dates on the products to ensure you’re using them within the recommended time frame. The expiration date will be a round jar with an open lid followed by a number and the letter “m.” This means the number indicates months to use this product once you’ve opened the item. Check your products this morning.

With upcoming events in September, from social to work, it’s a good idea to start planning your outfits now. Look at your August, September, and October schedule and note down the number of outfits you need and the energy you want to exude for each occasion. Let’s assemble these outfits to help you look and feel your best.

I can’t stress enough how the stores are fresh with inventory and since most people are hanging outdoors, the stores are calm and it’s your best time to take advantage of this. The money and emotional stress you will save are enormous.

If you’re ready to embrace your best self this fall, I’m currently booking clients for August and September. Feel free to schedule a call with me this week to kickstart your journey to feeling amazing and confident for the upcoming season.

Next week, we will talk about fall trends and your body type.