I was listening to a podcast the other day, and the host was talking about an event she hosted. On the day of the event, there were last-minute cancellations. I thought, “Oh, man, I wish I knew. I would have taken the place of the person who canceled.”

This got me thinking that any time you book an appointment for wellness, beauty, or a doctor and you have to wait a couple of months, ask them to put you on a waiting list for anything that will open up sooner. It happens all the time. In fact, it happened to me today. I had an appointment booked for tomorrow and I called on Tuesday and asked if they had anything sooner. She said no, but called me back an hour later and said they could fit me in at 3:00 pm. I took that appointment but would have loved to have an earlier time. This morning I got a text saying they had a last-minute cancellation, and boom, I took the 10 am spot.

So, even when events are sold out, ask to be put on a waiting list. If you run events, create a waiting list. This way, the person who wants to be there will be in the room, adding more value to your event.

I always see cancellations as the universe adjusting our plans because our energy has shifted either toward something or away. It’s all an individual experience, and only you will know, but you have the power to shift your energy around any outcome.

Know that when cancellations happen, you have the opportunity to take the space and give yourself time to reset your energy and look at it for new stuff to enter into your life. You never know what the universe is planning.

Tomorrow is August 1st. What appointments do you need to book now? Photoshoots? Beauty appointments for your next gig? Appointments for alterations?

When you plan early, you get the best appointments, and things are set up for success; it’s all about the planning.

Need help getting yourself organized and styled for fall? DM, and let’s chat about ways I can get you set up for success.