What are your beliefs about your personal style? I often hear hesitations when I work with clients to create new looks. They might say, “I would really like to dress this way, but if I do, people will think of me in a certain way.” Or, they might express a desire by stating, “I’d love to wear these kinds of clothes, but because of my job, I feel restricted.” Many people express their desires coupled with a lot of “buts.”
For example, someone might say, “I would love to have this outfit, but I just don’t have the budget for all those clothes,” or “It seems ridiculous to own so many pairs of shoes.” The only true limitations we face come from within ourselves.
As with any change you want to make in your life, you must start with your mindset. Ask yourself questions like, “Why can’t I allow myself to have a beautiful wardrobe that makes me feel amazing?” or “Why am I imposing these unnecessary restrictions on myself?” These are questions only you can answer. You don’t need input from others; it’s all about shifting your own thoughts.
Once you accomplish this mindset shift, it’s time to have fun. For example, if you desire to own a wardrobe that costs $3,000 each season, sit down and design a plan for budgeting that amount for the clothes you want.
There’s always a way to make things happen. Even if your budget is tight right now, this exercise may inspire you to think creatively, possibly opening new income opportunities or ways to increase your salary. Instead of dwelling on what you can’t have, concentrate on what you truly want. It might take time to ask yourself this question repeatedly, but if you find yourself in stores constantly saying, “I can’t have that,” “I can’t afford that,” or “That is so expensive,” you’ll never achieve the items you desire.
On the other hand, if your mindset shifts to “I really want that jacket, those boots, that top, and this whole look,” you may discover unexpected benefits in many areas of your life. Ask yourself: Am I focused on a style that limits me, or am I ready to create a style that aligns with the future I want?
#styletips #newimage #falllooks