How much time do you spend thinking and talking about your clutter? You probably never realized how much time you spend thinking about clutter, or the fact that the more you think about clutter the more the problem grows.

Several years, ago I was listening to an interview with Ali Brown, who told a story that when she hired her first business coach to help grow her business, her business coach gave her a strange exercise in her first session. She told her to make a list of all the things around her space that were bothering her. She was puzzled by her advice, she asked what does this have to do with me getting more clients? Her coach responded with, “First, we need to clean up your energy drains!” Its the little things like your cluttered space or your “to do” list that are energy suckers and can easily distract you from getting the important things done.


I loved this story, because it reinforces everything I teach my clients. Your environment could be your biggest energy sucker keeping you for accomplishing your goals. How much time are you thinking about your clutter?

You’ve heard me say before that in Feng Shui your closets represent your subconscious, the attic is your future and the basement is the past.  So, you know what you need to do. But here’s the famous excuse  – I don’t have TIME!  So what are you doing with you time?  Are you happy, enjoying life, in pure bliss? If not, you may look around your home and discover that you spend your energy on hours that are not aligned with what you want in life and where you are headed.  So, if you hate your job, feel pressured to be part of organizations and attend social gathering you don’t like…how do you expect your mindset to shift if the energy you spend and the time it takes is holding you back?

Let me give you the permission to say, “No!”  Go even deeper and say “No, I don’t want to be part of that group, I don’t want to go to that event, I don’t have time to participate in XYZ. You have to learn to say NO more and Yes to only what you do love and serves a purpose. The only person who can change this is YOU!

So, to begin to do this, you must first take the time to clear out the stuff that no longer honors who you are and where you are going.  If you commit to this and actually do it, the energy around you shifts and begins to support who you are becoming.


I know you know this, but why are you not doing it?

You feel alone, scared to trust yourself because no one else around you is doing it and you don’t know how others will respond to this change. It’s scary and some people may not like you, some people may give you a hard time and say some nasty things about you, but that reflects what is going on with them not you. How much is it costing you?  Your health? Finances?  All of that to doing things you don’t love?

It’s time to change that and take action.

  • Sit down and make a list of the top 9 things that drain your energy in your space.
  • How much time do you focus on these irritations?
  • What is preventing you from getting them done? Time? Money? Help from others?

Now go deeper and ask yourself what is this really about? Is there an underlying fear you don’t want to deal with like speaking up to your spouse and demanding it’s time to get it done?  There is something deeper and it’s time for you to face it.

By getting clear on why you are resisting and what patterns in your life are sabotaging you, you will begin to shift the energy and you will feel motivated to take action.

If you truly desire to do this in your life, but it still feels challenging to you, won’t you consider my new 4 week online program to help you clear the emotional and physical blocks to the clutter in your home and mind?

In my new course 30 Days to a Clutter Free Home and Mind, I’m helping you to begin process to make the changes you need. I’m taking my best tools that have helped hundreds of clients to transform their homes and their lives.

This is not your typical online program where I teach and you listen.  It is designed to be interactive where I help you recognize, understand and clear the emotional and physical clutter in your home and body.  This program is designed to clear the clutter and to set you up for success.

Space is limited to 9 spots!  This is an amazing opportunity to have an intimate group of people working together toward the same goal.  Yet, because of the small group size, I will be able to offer specific individual advice and tools for your unique situation.

If you give me 4 hours, I will give you months and years of a more joyful life. So, are you ready?

Check out my program, it starts this Tuesday September, 23rd at 8pm. Click here for all the details.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Feng Shui expert, Christine Bove, inspires successful women to allow their creative energies to flow into their environments, images and mindsets to improve their confidence, bring clarity to their future and set them up for success. Sign up to receive her 5 Feng Shui video tips at”