Inspiration Chi – Client Spotlight

A Money Success Story


Several months ago, I received an email from a reader expressing how what she had learned from me and Feng Shui changed her home, her outlook and her finances.  Let me share it with you…

“Thank you, Christine!

I love the changes you have inspired in my life. I have applied your suggested Feng Shui principles to my money, my bedroom and my office.  All of this has just come from watching your videos, listening to your tele-classes and receiving your emails. I can’t imagine what changes I can make when I work with you full time. I can’t wait!

My money perspective has certainly changed! I have an affirmation card in my wallet, a pretty purse from a cosmetic bonus with organized coupons, a shiny sparkling red gift bag in which I keep my checkbooks (still looking for a pretty box), red envelopes in which I am saving money for special things and a very organized wallet. I feel a renewed confidence about money and I do not seem to be running out each week as I was in the past. A surprise bonus was that I just received an unexpected check for over $2000.00 from my son’s camp!

I always prided myself that my bedroom was serene, clean and clutter and electronics free. However, after learning from you, I realized it needed a splash of color.  I purchased two bright night table lamps, (I had only had one lamp) and some bright pillows for the bed. My room was boring and unbalanced but not any more. The lamp shades actually give a soft pink glow. What a difference! I now love being in my room.  

I also am very happy with your suggestion to remove the mirror from my entryway. The energy is much better in the area.  I also followed Feng Shui principles and placed a mirror on my desk because I have a door in front and a door behind my desk.  I love the change!

I know this is just the start and I can’t wait to learn more from you!

I have read many Feng Shui books over the years but working with you takes it all to a new level.”

– Michelle, NY


Does reading that encourage you?  Her simple changes to her home and space resulted in a new peace of mind and outlook on life, plus her intentions are set and money is beginning to flow.


Michelle was so inspired to work with me, but didn’t have the extra cash, so I told her to take a red envelope, write her intention on it and add a little money every week. In no time she had the money and hired me.


Here’s a mini review of our consultation with pictures:

Often before our Feng Shui consultation, my clients have a little “drama” happening in their home and that is the perfect time for me!  Michelle was having her deck redone, but after ripping up her old deck, her contractor was nowhere to be found.  She needed answers to her questions and needed the job done.  I immediately suggested she forgive him and blast him with love. Forgiveness is the most powerful gift you have to solve your problems. It’s hard, but she finally received a call from him and he returned to complete the task. The delay in the project help Michelle clarify what she wanted in the deck and chose one level to bring more balance to her home.

Plant Makeovers

In Feng Shui plants represent abundance and healthy chi for the environment, but often the plants I see in client’s homes are small and dull. I asked Michelle if her plants felt abundant and lively? I suggested a plant makeover and I love what she picked.

Let me encourage you that these plants are low maintenance requiring minimal light and watering. Notice how full and abundant they look.

The Fireplace

Before this wall was blank and blah, my suggestion was to add some pictures and make it feel cozy. I love the shelves Michelle picked making it feel more personal in this space.


The Bedroom

Often the single woman’s bedroom lacks the message of love and the type of relationship she wants. Michelle selected a beautiful piece of wall art to her the simple message to love herself and love will enter.




Living Room Console

When it comes to consoles and side tables, less is definitely more!  These areas tend to gather a lot of clutter. People often place items here they love but never use. When items are cluttered they lose their beauty and personal touch. Notice the painting in the middle, that was done by her son. It used to be on the bottom shelf now it’s displayed on top for everyone to see. It’s important you highlight children’s artwork in a way that shows you value their work.

The Dining Room

By applying the bagua to Michelle’s place we identify the dining room as her wealth area. The hardwood floors and solid wood table can create yang chi (fast moving chi). This often makes people feel unsettled resulting in people eating too fast. To soften the energy, I recommended a tablecloth.  By adding fabric (earth energy) you slow down the energy.  That is very important for eating and proper digestion.  I suggest a centerpiece of flowers as another way to slow down the energy and add color to the space.  I love fresh cut flowers as it allows you the ability to change the style with the season.  Trader joes is the place to get the best flowers!

The Glass Cabinet

These small glass cabinets are very popular but tend to create an issue due to their height. They can cut off at an odd spot and again can become a clutter area. I explained to Michelle that items that are simple and refined work best especially since this is a dining room. Also since this is her wealth area it is ideal to place green plants here.  Jade plants are perfect as they represent money in Feng Shui.  Please note you don’t always have to plants in the wealth area but in this particular case it works well.

The Big Aha

All I can say is Michelle truly impressed me with this painting! Wow, we discussed a family picture of four small prints, but I just love this painting!


The Results

In one month Michelle has implemented almost half of the changes I suggested in the consultation. That is great for a single mom of 3! And again, Michelle received an unexpected check for $4000!

So what brought this on, here’s Michelle’s response:

“I thought I knew Feng Shui but you taught me so much more than I ever would have noticed or thought to do. A big part of this is trusting. I know in my heart I need to do these things to change the energy in the house but money is a factor. However, since I know it in my heart, I am trusting the universe. I love changing the environment and enjoying my surroundings.”

You need to start taking action with the small stuff, small shifts create new mindsets. Say “yes” to Define Your Style today!

Now it’s your turn! Book a FREE 30 minute Define Your Style call and let’s discuss how I can serve you.

What changes have you made in your home today? Leave a comment below.