How do you plan for an amazing fall?


With its playful energy and longer days, summer is not just a season of leisure, but also the perfect time to transform into the person you want to be in the fall. The season’s lighter workload allows for more personal days, which you can use to do things you love and invest in your personal growth. This unique season provides the ideal conditions for your personal transformation.


During the summer, you can easily wake up and meditate, work out, journal, and spend time after work on your passion project. Your workload may be lighter, so you can take more personal days. These days, you can do things you love, like attending a workshop concert, going to your favorite coffee shop, taking a hike, getting a full body massage, or doing a transformational treatment such as a spa day or a yoga retreat. Declutter your office, closet, and home to make space for your desired decor and home space.


Remember, looking good isn’t just about the clothes; it’s also about the internal work you do, the mindset shifts, and nurturing your body. A holistic approach to personal transformation is key to feeling and looking amazing.


So, let’s joyfully plan out what you can do this month to set the stage for an amazing fall.


  • What specific goals do you have for the fall? Whether promoting a new project, speaking on more stages, or launching your book, setting clear, achievable goals will guide your transformation and keep you on track.
  •  Is it promoting a new project, speaking on more stages, or launching your book?
  • What is the energy of your goal? 


Based on the answers, what do you need to do now to help you feel and look amazing for this part? Doing the prep work in the summer will impact your fall and make it a joyful journey toward success.


Today, buy a new journal and write out “My new chapter of xxx…” The key to writing this out is to be open to what you want and not filter or worry about how it will happen. There’s power in writing this out; when you do it from an optimistic mindset, the solutions you need will find you this summer as you are willing and ready.


Once you’ve started journaling, go to Instagram or Pinterest and create folders: Your New Look for your fall Wardrobe, Your Look for your speaking gigs in the fall, and Your New Look for your photoshoot. In these folders, save images of styles you like and mentors whose styles you admire. After you’ve saved them, what do you notice about these styles? The more you see consistency, the more you align to your new look. This exercise can help you visualize and manifest your desired transformation.


Doing this work now will make you feel more playful and set the tone for the summer, effortlessly attracting the things you desire. Plus, the stores are clearing out all their spring-summer clothes in the next couple of weeks, which means they will have sales. So, that means the fall clothes will be here, and even though it’s hot, shopping early means getting a greater variety of clothes, making better choices in your wardrobe, and being prepared for the most amazing fall.


So, let’s make this summer a transformation, one that impacts. It is because it’s always about doing the prep work that lays the foundation for the solutions flowing to you; it’s all about taking control and being proactive in your transformation journey.


If you want support for your transformation this summer, schedule a chat with me. Let’s see how I can help you transform your look and track the opportunities you want to achieve. Click here.


PS- Take advantage of great summer sales, but remember this! Buy it because you love it, it looks amazing on you, it goes well with the other items in your closet and it’s a great value. That’s a sale!