Green is a powerful and energizing color! In Feng Shui Spring is all about new beginnings, increasing growth and setting new intentions. This Outfit is perfect for a wedding,...
When you want to feel dressy and comfortable this is your ideal outfit. 🤗The stretchy waistband makes it great when you are in the process of losing weight. ...
Classic. Colorful .Elevated. Look at your garden or a bouquet of flowers to find inspiration for schemes for your spring wardrobe.💐 This Olive green dress brings groundedness. The earrings...
Chic. Playful. Vibrant. Ideal for: Casual Work Environments Dinner Casual Events Bring a little extra into your life with these Green accessories for St. Patricks Day....
In Feng Shui, your closet represents your subconscious mind. From its size to how it’s organized to the items your store in it, your closet can say a lot about...
I’m excited to share my new YouTube series. My work has been evolving over the years and now it’s time for you to learn how I help clients transform their...
Tune in for a fun one! In this episode of Leading with Spirit, I sit down with Feng Shui stylist Christine Bove who helps create spiritual transformations through fashion and...
This outfit is perfect for a luncheon, family events, or just a day you want to feel chic and playful. Dress is Zimmerman Shoes Paris Texas Crossbody Bag is Isabel...
We’ve all done it. We all have made bad choices when it comes to purchasing clothes, from tops, to dresses, to work out clothes and even accessories. Have you...
Keeping Your Skinny Clothes is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals One of them most common mistakes I see women make is keeping their “skinny clothes” as motivation for weight loss. This...