One of the questions I often get asked during my workshops is, “Where should I start when selecting clothes?”


Firstly, it’s crucial to dress for your body type, not for trends or others’ judgments. Discovering clothes that enhance your body type and create a silhouette that showcases your body can instill a sense of empowerment and confidence that is truly empowering.


Secondly, it’s vital to wear clothes and materials that make you feel at ease. Stop squeezing into clothes that are too tight or uncomfortable just because you feel you should. Choose materials that are comfortable and breathable, allowing you to relax and be at ease. 


For example, don’t wear silk or polyester if you sweat a lot. Instead, use sweat pads under your arms. 


If you feel anxious, opt for v-neck tops. If you want to wear heels, find a comfortable height that suits you. Always consider how you feel about your outfit when you try it on. Remember, there is a solution for any wardrobe challenge you face. With numerous fabric types, materials, cuts, and styles available, there’s no need to wear anything that doesn’t feel right for you.


Lastly, dressing right for the environment you will be in is essential. Understanding the temperature and dress code of the environment will help you feel your best and most confident. It’s about trying to research and dress appropriately for the occasion.


When you get these three things right, you will build a wardrobe that gives you confidence and is constantly being used. Instead of wasting money on clothes you never wear, you will have endless outfits to put together and be excited to get dressed every day.


If you struggle with any of these challenges, let’s book a call and discuss how I can help you eliminate the stress of what to wear and create a closet full of looks you love and wear all the time.


Ps- if you want the link to the clothes comment link below.