What’s the driving force behind your desire for a new look?


Why do you want to buy new clothes? You want to feel good and confident and something more joyful and exciting. So why doesn’t that always happen when you buy new clothing?


When you want a new look, the question is: why do you want this look? What does it mean to you?


Often, the response is that it empowers and creates more confidence to align with the work you are looking to create. It feels different, and that’s the key – it’s different because it’s not the old energy you are no longer. You are constantly shifting, and as you discover new paths and the things you prefer, you want to change on all levels. And so, certain stores you used to shop at no longer feel fun, pieces you bought in the past just feel blah, and it’s because you’ve changed.


So now you have to start strengthening your vision of the new you and ask yourself, what does the new image of me look like?


And that’s when you start to create a new wardrobe. Why do you want a new look?

Take a moment to jot down your reasons for wanting a new look. Then, share your insights in the comment section below. Let’s start a conversation!