Feng Shui and Real Life Problems:   How Feng Shui can help with legal matters

If you have read any of my blog posts, you know how the art of Feng Shui can assist you in matters of the home, the wallet and the heart, but today I am going to share with you how this philosophy can also help in difficult life situations, even in health or legal matters.  If you are facing a lawsuit, divorce, bankruptcy, or some type of crisis, Feng Shui can help. I’m going to share with you my success story when things were difficult, even desperate for me.

About 10 years, ago on a rainy night in November, I was working in the city and coming home from the train station when I was hit by a car. Earlier that night I sat on the Metro North with an old college friend on one side and and another girl I didn’t know on the other.  The whole ride home I had this nagging feeling that I knew this girl from somewhere. As we got off our stop I noticed she got into a car but didn’t recognize the driver.  I continued to have a strong sense about her but didn’t know why.  Little did I know that I would soon find out what my subconscious was telling me. As I got about a block away from my home, I began to cross the street just as I realized the driver coming toward me was not stopping.  The impact threw me on top of the car then hard down onto the ground. I slammed my head so hard I went into shock and couldn’t feel any pain. Once I got up and realized what had happened, I heard a woman’s voice asking, “Do you remember me?  I was sitting next to you on the train.”  It was that same woman and her boyfriend who were eyewitnesses to my accident.  Somehow I knew she had a touch point in my life.

I was fortunate to have walked away from the incident with minor back injuries that luckily don’t give me much pain. I often wonder why I had that experience in my life. At the time I was very unhappy in my life and I took that as a wake up call to get out of my pity party with myself and live my life. I will be honest that I had no intention of suing the old man who hit me and I never learned much about him except that maybe it was time for him to stop driving at night!  I never held anger towards this man, my concern was to heal my back injuries and focus on living a happier life. I did, however, file a lawsuit with the intention to receive money to cover all my doctor bills and loss of work. It was shortly after my accident that Feng Shui entered my life. I recall being in my Feng Shui class and asking about my lawsuit. I remember my teacher telling me to write out a check in the amount I wished to receive and place it in the helpful people/travel area of my home (which on the Bagua is to the right of your front door). She said to put it in a silver or grey envelope to honor heaven’s energy.

I immediately, ran home to implement this cure.  I didn’t have a silver envelope so I used aluminum foil!  I took the check, you know the famous one from the movie The Secret, I wrote out the amount I wanted to receive, wrapped it in the aluminium foil and placed it in the helpful/people travel area. I waited and waited, for something to happen.  At that time I had little understanding about how things don’t always happen in my timing. Shortly after, I realized that I didn’t ask for enough money so I opened the check and made the amount higher. I only raised it an additional $5,000 but I felt I should give it a try.  I started to become frustrated with the long wait and began to doubt if it was ever going to happen. I got demanding with the universe saying,  “GIVE IT TO ME NOW! I NEED IT NOW, WHAT IS THE F$#@$% PROBLEM?”  You see, at the time I really wanted to quit my corporate job, but my Feng Shui studies were not done and I had no job lined up. So, I became irritated with the universe and felt I wasn’t being treated fairly. Little did I understand the concept of surrender and how everything happens at just the right time. Finally, my day came and I received the call, they made an offer and it was for the amount I had originally requested!  I accepted the offer but when I picked up the check my lawyer told me he tried to get $5,000 more (the amount I wrote on the check the second time) but they wouldn’t  agree. After hearing that I thought to myself, damn, I should have asked for more! So, now I always go a little higher than my first request. Let me add the check arrived several weeks after I quit my corporate job without another job lined up. So, it happened at the perfect time.

I’m sharing this story to encourage you and to give you some ways to handle your current struggle.  I have shared my personal experience with my clients and have taught them to do the same steps I took.  And guess what? 95% of the time they are met with success!

The first step is the hardest:  Forgiveness.  It is a mental exercise to forgive the person who harmed you. As I explained on my call for the Spiritual Seekers Growth Club, forgiveness is the key to moving us forward in life. Forgive the person and blast them with love for 30 days.  As the anger rises within simply say, “I am angry but I am willing not to be. Dear God, help me see this situation differently. Amen” (from the book The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson, page 47).  As you make this statement the anger will come up but that’s okay, you need to release over and over as you say this prayer. This exercise allows you to heal by releasing the anger.

The second step is to gather any physical paperwork, documents, emails, etc. that are related to the situation and put them in silver, gray or white folders. You want to contain any negative energy of this situation. If you are requesting money or just guidance simply put it in a silver, gray or white envelope. In Feng Shui, the colors silver, gray and white represent the element of metal and heaven’s energy. You are now going to seek help from a higher source.  You place it in this container so it does not spill over into other areas of your life. I suggest writing a letter asking for guidance and support around this situation to include in your envelope.

The third step is to place it in the Helpful People/ Travel area of your home. Here is a link to my bagua for your reference.

This area is located in the front of your home in the right corner of the home. If this area is not ideal to keep files there than you can use that area of your office or file cabinet. Again, the importance here is just keeping it contained to one area and putting it the color envelopes. So, please don’t worry if you can’t put it in that specific area, just contain the area that it’s in.

Lastly, you need to surrender. Surrendering trust doesn’t always happen over night. The key here is the healing process. During this time you will be tested. Stuff will come up but you have to choose how you will respond to this.  You need to stay open to healing and releasing. The more you forgive yourself and all other parties the faster the situation will be healed and your life will shift.

If you need more guidance around this consider participating in the Spiritual Seekers Growth Club or book a 30 minute complimentary session with me to give your personal guidance.

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