The other day I was listening to an Abraham Hicks YouTube video in which they were asking the participant if she believed she could have it all?

The question resonated with me and I started to ask myself the same thing, do I believe I can have it all?

My response wasn’t a no but rather a “heck I’m ready to believe I can have it all!”

I started an internal dialogue about what exactly having it all means to me.  As my conversation went on in my head I noticed how good I felt, how excited I was to begin believing that I could really have it all. My mind just went on and on about all the possibilities in my life.

This feeling was feedback that I really believe that statement and in fact the universe affirmed it when I got into the car and my favorite 80’s song “What a Feeling” was on the radio. Here’s the interesting part… the words of the song I had never noticed until that moment. But it’s the line I heard right as I turned on the radio:

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.

The line repeated several times and I was in awe…really did I hear that right?  All these years I’ve listened to that song and I never really heard the words till that moment.

The moment I started to believe that I could have it all! My favorite all time song was talking to me this entire time. I even did a dance to this song in my dancing school years!

That’s how it works, that’s how the law of attraction and the universe respond to what you are feeling. These little affirmations like a song, book, video or conversation is the universe letting you know you got it.

So here’s the link to the Flashdance song “What a Feeling” I recommend listening to the words carefully and feel the inspiration she’s singing about.

Maybe this could be your new theme song to get you believing you can have it all or maybe you can start listening to your favorite songs from a new perspective.

Once you listen to the song tell me if you heard it differently? Were you like me and never really connected to the words?

So now, pay attention to what you are feeling and how the universe is reflecting it back to you.

Now, I’ve given you some easy simple tips this month, I want to hear how you are implementing these tips. My clients are seeing results from new jobs to better relationships. want to go deeper let’s chat and discuss how I can assist you by clicking here

Let’s make 2016 Your Best Year!


Christine Bove

PS- February is going to be a very “sweet” month… be sure to stay tuned!!!