I got into makeup in my early teens and I still remember my sister-in-law taking me shopping to pick out make up ideal for a teenage girl. After that my girlfriends and I would ride our bikes 5 or more miles to the Rockbottom beauty supply store, a well known store in Long Island. We would have a blast, gathering hair and beauty products galore! We would come home and have a ball trying on all our new finds and get each other’s opinions.  Even back then, I was mindful of what I was buying and never over-bought.  Still to this day I always use up all of my make-up before I buy more and I never let anything sit in my beauty cabinets for more than a year! NEVER!

As I was preparing for our filming of the Glamour + Metal documentary, I decided to update all of my makeup. I have found that makeup needs to be of high quality or it doesn’t show up well on film or in photos.  While I love to use organic and all natural makeup I’ve found it doesn’t hold up as well. So I decided to visit the makeup gals at Sephora and seek their advice not only for camera makeup but also for every day good foundation that matches my skin tone.  Am I the only one who has a terrible time matching makeup to skin tone without some assistance at the makeup counter?  Sephora was great! I was impressed with their computer program that evaluates my skin then pulls up a variety of makeup lines with colors that work the best.

As I sat there getting help with my foundation, I thought why don’t I just do it all!  I don’t want my makeup just to look fab on film but I want it to be fab all season long! I will let you in on a secret…I change out my makeup every season!  I told you I loved makeup!  I also use lots of natural products which means it doesn’t last longer than 6 months! So, yes, I am a makeup junkie! However, the Metal Essence in me cannot stand clutter so I buy quality over quantity and make sure I clear it out and update it on a regular basis. I also find that I stick to a similar color palette which eliminates the need for multiple colored lipsticks and the like.

The quality of skin care products should be a high priority!  What you put on your skin goes into your body so be mindful as you shop and especially if you have sensitive skin or suffer from allergies.   I’m sure you are aware of all the hidden chemicals in beauty products and if you suffer from a lot of health issues you want to be sure to become smarter about what you put on your body.

 So let’s give your cosmetics a makeover!

Fall is here so it’s time to create a fresh new look. Think about what is the look you want to create this fall – sexy? fun? sophisticated? natural?  Whatever you choose make sure to apply that image to your makeup.

Now its De-clutter time!

Ideally it should take you longer than 30 minutes to clean out your beauty cabinets and if you do, it’s a clear sign you have to much. Take 30 minutes on a Saturday morning and review your beauty products.

First, check the expiration dates found on the bottom of the bottle.  If there isn’t one then try to recall when you bought it. The FDA does not require cosmetic companies to put expiration dates on products, but some do either dates or symbols. My rule of thumb is nothing over a year old goes on my skin!

Additionally, if you discover that you haven’t been wearing something that you bought a year ago, throw it out! And don’t buy it again. You can stop wasting your time and money.

Some other rules of thumb per cosmetic item:

Foundation and concealer: 6-12 months. If you aren’t sure, evaluate the texture and color.  Be sure to keep out of sunlight as the UV rays can destroy the preservatives.

Lipstick: 1 year. Now I’m a little skeptical with this rule, especially when you’ve had a cold. If you are using your lipstick everyday it will be gone in no time, but I would caution you to be aware of the germs that can accumulate on older lipsticks.  I would recommend at least cutting off a little chunk so its clear of any germs if you haven’t used it in a while.

Mascara: Shelf life of 2-3 months. You’ll know when to throw it out when it clumps up. Never share your mascara it’s a guarantee to spread germs.

Eye shadows and foundation powders: 1 year. It’s important you sanitize your brushes or wash them with shampoo, this will prevent bacteria growth and breakouts.

Lotions: 1 year. How can you tell?  Pay attention to discoloration and smell.

Fragrances: 8-10 years! Wow, that’s long, but pay attention to smell. Be sure to keep them in dark places, as bright light will cause them to expire faster.

Nail Polish: 1 year.  You’ll know when it’s bad it will be goopy and will not go on smoothly.

Medicines and Supplements: These all come with expiration dates. Check all your bottles. when in doubt throw it out.

Now doesn’t that feel good?  You’ve got permission to throw some things out and make room for fresh quality cosmetics. It will save you money and time when you keep up on the clean up.  Keep in mind all the things you threw out that you didn’t use so you will remember the next time you shop.  And always ask yourself, do I really need this? Am I going to use it?  Is it worth the money? All these items you don’t use is money wasted and time wasted for you every morning when you are trying to get ready.  Plus, it can affect your health.  Old cosmetics filled with toxic ingredients may cause, PMS, PCOS, Infertility issues, allergies, and many other conditions. It’s important to value your body by what you put in it and on it.

De-cluttering your life to a better you!

Remember to leave any comments or share your tips.