It’s important to be mindful that traveling for a conference may or may not be something you want to do. 


Your energy is everything, and it affects your overall experience, including your choice of clothing. 


Ask yourself what your intention is for attending this event.


Why are you taking the time and energy to travel for it? 


What do you hope to gain from it?


Once you are clear on these things, choosing appropriate attire for the event will be easier.

For example, if you hope to gain new clients, you may want to dress more professionally.


Are you looking to explore potential opportunities to get more speaking gigs, or do you plan to present at an upcoming event? 


Let me tell you, your wardrobe plays a crucial role in how you show up and feel confident throughout the trip.


 The energy you bring to the event will be significantly different depending on how well you plan out your wardrobe. 


If you’re there to be seen and recognized, you want to wear clothes that align with your intention.


If you’re presenting and feeling nervous, your wardrobe should help build your confidence. 


And if this is a retreat to relax and play, your wardrobe needs to be more playful and creative. 


However, you should not plan this a week before the conference, as you won’t have enough time to create a great wardrobe. 


You need to plan at least 30 days ahead to have a variety of options to choose from. 


This way, you’ll feel confident and have a good selection of clothes to pick from. 


When planning your wardrobe, think about how you feel, what your intention is, and what clothes will honor the person you want to become. 


Are you looking for help planning your wardrobe for your next travel conference? DM me the word “Travel” to schedule a time to get started.