Is your office set up for success? Do the items you see every day boost your creative energies? The items in your office play a significant role in how productive you are. It is key to your productivity to freshen up your space every couple of months.
The goal of feng shui is to affirm your goals in your space and create an environment that is energetically supporting you to achieve your goals.
1.) Clear the Physical Clutter.
Review your files and clear out old projects, client files, books, post-it notes, etc, all the stuff that no longer supports your current goals. Clear out broken chairs, electronics, clocks, etc. If it’s not fixable discard it. Everything has energy including furniture, artwork, and accessories so it’s important that all the items are functioning, uplifting, and supporting your productivity.
2.) Clearing Your Space for New Beginnings.
It’s important to cleanse your space if you are moving into a new office, received a promotion, or going in a new direction with your business. It is especially important when you are dealing with lots of stress. If you are continually dumping negative energy into the same space every day then the energy builds up like soap residue and we continue to feed into that energy. A quick fix is to use incense or an essential oil spray. Please note, if you use this in an office with co-workers be sure to check the scents don’t bother your coworkers and I suggest the spray over the incense.
3.) Boost your finances by cleaning out your financial papers, online bookkeeping systems, or banking statements. It’s so important to keep your financial items organized and with easy access. The way we treat these documents and books reflects our relationship with money. Ideally, it’s best to organize them in attractive file folders, binders, or boxes. You want to feel good when you review these items so if you keep them in nice containers you will more excited to check them out.
4.) Make a bold decorating move.
If you want to make a bold statement in your career or business then start by making a bold statement in your office. Consider painting one wall a bright bold color, adding a colorful rug to your office, or hang inspiring artwork.
Start today just discard 3 items for 9 days and feel the energy shift.
If you like these tips and would like to learn more sign up for my FREE audio – 4 Simple Steps to Set Your Office Up for Financial Success. Click below to sign up and download this 20 minute audio.
Love this post.. Perfect timing as I need to totally revamp my working space. Love all your tips thank you for sharing.
My pleasure! Hope they help you create a beautiful new work space.
Nicole Zaagman
Love this post! You’ve helped me so much in the last few weeks
Thank you for sharing your energy shifting expertise!
Thanks Nicole, I’m so excited to see your new office!:)
Melissa Ward
I never thought on the online book keeping, that is brilliant!
I know, the things we never think of!
Wow, what a fun article! Such wonderful tips that I had not thought of before!! The financial part is really interesting…. Thanks for this goodness!
toya styles
Love these tips! I will have a new office soon and will use the “clear the clutter” rule and the “bold statement” rule! Thank you.
Chloë Rain
I love this! “discard 3 items for 9 days” it sounds so simple and yet I can feel the energy when I just begin to think about doing this. Thank you!
Thank you for all the great tips. I love the reminder to decorate and enjoy color!
I do what’s called feng shui-ing my inventory… toss out stuff that’s not moving and it makes room for more and/or more activity. Flooooww!!
Emily Evans Russell
Thank you so much for tip #3 about treating our financial documents and organization with care. I needed this reminder as I have started really giving some love to my relationship with money and had yet to put my receipts and things in a way that sends that message. THANK YOU!
Yes, it’s interesting how we don’t realize it matters from our home to our mind. Sending you Good “Chi”.
This is awesome! I am so saving this for when I have my own office space again. Love it!
Glad you liked it! Sending you Good “Chi”!
Rosie @ Whimsical Charm
Christine, I am definitely taking your advise and putting it to work ASAP. I just relocated offices, with much of the items at my home office, and I have been trying to get myself organized and its driving me crazy!!!
I am going to start with discarding the 3 items for 9 days. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Rosie congrats on your new office! Perfect timing! Keep me posted on the clutter clearing and let me know how I can support you further.
Feng shui and how one uses space and decorates it goes a long way. I heard once that art is healing. Totally believe it.
Ariane Machin
Thank you for the great tips! This is something I am really interested in…and appreciate some input and guidance to help me along the way! Thank you!
Hi Ariane,
My pleasure! Be sure to check out my other blog post I have many tips and if you need further assistance please let me know. Sending you Good “Chi”
I love the cleansing the space for new beginnings. Having someone come and help me organize my office space and freshen it up is on my list of things to do this week. Thanks for the boost of confidence.
My pleasure! Sending you good “chi” for success. If you need additional help I do offer virtual sessions.
Diana Sucala - Brand Development
Very useful. Thank you.
I love these tips, these work especially well for me because I’m moving for the first time and get a fresh start with all my decorating and organization! I love your tips about getting rid of clutter and how you treat your financial papers, I know I also will be using your space clearing meditation a LOT over the next few months! Trying it tonight in my current office, and then once I move I’ll definitely be doing it there too!
Thank you so much, I feel like I learned a lot that I can use from this article!
Hi Audrey,
Congrats on the move! I’m so excited you purchased the Clearing Your Space for New Beginnings Meditation, I hope you enjoy it and after you listen to it, please share your insights on what happened during the meditation. Good Luck and please let me know if there’s anyway I can assist you further.
Hi Christine! Thank you for the post, it is so great to remember to create a space that inspires you to where you are growing towards. I have made a commitment this winter to clear and process through everything I own this winter, to meditate on everything and to release what I no longer need with love. And this reminder about how to change and create positive energetics for the work space will definitely help work to feel inspiring and less like work;)
Have a beautiful day,
Hi Sonja,
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I’m so excited about your commitments to clear through your stuff, it’s wonderful the energy shifts that take place when this happens. Good luck setting your space up for success and if you need additional support, please contact me.
Good “Chi” to you!
Marialuz Jimenez
Thanks for your tips Christine, I love Feng Shui and have applied it in my apartment and home office. I love your tip about letting go of 3 things daily… I know I need to clear things from my space but it felt so overwhelming I never did it. This small step of just looking for 3 things is very manageable.