Why are we always wanting to know other’s weight loss secrets?  Don’t we know the secret lies within ourselves?

Weight gain or loss isn’t always about the food.  It can be about how we feel, what was modeled growing up, or the stress or even shifts in our lives.

There’s a lot of negative energy around the messages in our culture about your size and body. We all have formed false beliefs around our value based on our size or shape.  This energy is everywhere and we have the choice to listen and accept or ignore and reject. If you choose to reject it, then the first place to start is in your home.  Reject that message from entering your space.  You can start first by accepting and loving your body exactly where it is now.

You reject those false messages and accept the positive ones by filling your home with positive reminders that help you say yes to the beautiful person you are right now no matter our size or shape.  Clean out your closets and cabinets, throw away magazines and release any triggers that may indicate you are not perfect where you are now.  Once you have cleared your house of the negative and filled it with the positive, your next step is to choose to pursue being healthy and wealthy!

Why health and wealth?  Most importantly, by focusing on those words and concepts you take your mind off numbers and sizes.  Your mind now goes to thoughts of being healthy, energetic, happy, and experiencing the abundance of love, family and friends in your life. Let me ask you? Doesn’t that sound more desirable, more fun and more a motivational goal to reach, rather than a number on a cold ugly scale!

So let’s Feng Shui your body with good chi!

Start with the kitchen. It boggles my mind when people set a goal to get healthy and they never clean out the kitchen!

Let’s pause for a moment, I will be honest and tell you weight has never been my issue, rather I have an extremely sensitive digestive system so I’ve dealt with digestive issues for years and have had to research answers on my own. Through my own studies on nutrition I now have my customized health plan that keeps me energetically healthy.


To get healthy you need to focus on your kitchen. In Feng Shui, the kitchen is considered the heart of the home. How you cook and eat your food impacts the energy of your body. Ideally it’s best to cook on a gas stove, due to the nature of fire. Electric ovens and stove tops are fine, but the major “NO, NO” especially in Feng Shui, is the microwave. The microwave robs your food of its nutrients.  Plus, the electric and magnetic fields, EMFs (especially from older microwave ovens), are extremely high.  We have enough EMFs around us everyday with all our wireless gadgets that we need to minimize where we can. If you have to keep the microwave use it only for reheating and use only glass containers.


Next, clean out the cabinets.  In Feng Shui, these represent your subconscious mind.  Plus, cleaning out your cabinets can be extremely beneficial to your wallet. Yep, you know why it’s good – when you can’t see what’s in your cabinets you buy stuff you already have, wasting precious dollars. When you make your grocery list you want to be able to look easily in the pantry to see what you have and make your list.  Now you can shop with peace of mind because you are not wondering do I have that? You want to shop with a focused mind to get your items, select the best deals and get home.

Your food has an expiration date on  everything. Its important to review all food right down to your spice rack.  Ideally, spices should not sit on your shelf for longer than a year.  If you don’t know if you will use the spice, always buy the smallest container. You want fresh food for the most energy!  What you feed your body matters.  If it is not natural it will deprive your body of good chi (energy). You would never put bad gas in your car, so why is it okay to put bad food in your body?

Next on your list is to set your kitchen table. Clear off your kitchen table, buy a beautiful centerpiece and add a nice table cloth or placemats.  This will make the table comfortable and inviting. Hard surfaces like wood, metal and glass increase the energy flow and sometimes can create an anxious feeling which make people eat and go. And we need to slow down to increase our health.  How we digest our food is so important. Ideally, we are supposed chew our food 20-30 times before we swallow. Digestion takes place in our mouths, the better you chew the more easily it flows into your system. Plus, your digestive issues acid reflux, gas, constipation, and burping will decline.  So, adding fabric like table cloths, placemats, seat cushions or a rug under the table slows down the energy. Guests will eat slower making more time for conversation and connection as well as helping us toward our goal of a healthier body!


Last but not least, cleanse your cells! I have a special bonus for you: my friend Wendy Darling, creator of the L.Y.F.E  Freedom System and Loving Yourself Lean (a permanent solution for weight loss), is sharing her successful tips to weight from an energy perspective. In this 20 minute interview, I speak with Wendy about her approach to weight loss. She shares her tips to losing weight and shifting your mindset.  She also teaches us how to listen to our body and make good food choices.  Don’t take my word on it, click here and listen to this quick and insightful 20 minute interview, I know you will have an “aha” moment!  Be sure to leave a comment below.

Click here to hear my interview with Wendy.

Wendy Darling, creator of L.Y.F.E  Freedom System and Loving Yourself Lean,  www.lovinglean.com

Please share your comments and questions below.


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