When I work with my  Feng Shui clients, I always ask – “what do you value?” This answer helps me determine their Feng Shui essence, you see each element has different values.

  • Metal values independence, beauty, excellence, order and organization.
  • Water values freedom, quiet time, creativity and no schedules.
  • Wood values action and growth, improving your self and starting something new.
  • Fire values personal connection and having fun.
  • Earth values tradition and a sense of community.

When you are clear on your values you make better purchasing decisions for your home and wardrobe. I always preach to only buy what you love, what you need, what you can afford and have space for. When you operate from this mindset you affirm that your values are important. The energy of your purchase is important because you bring that energy into your space.

Valuing your space, says “I value me.” Get clear with your values and guess what happens?  Clutter disappears!  You save time and money because you no longer have a house of clutter that drains your energy and finances.

It is easy to start this process, first simply ask yourself, “what do I value?”

What do you value in your home? Organization, beauty, comfort, artwork, space? Be really honest with yourself.

What do you value in your wardrobe? Shoes that are comfortable and sexy, name brands or accessories?  For example you may love handbags so you choose to spend money on quality handbags,but shop for shoes at discount stores.

What do you value in your relationships? Having a date night at a nice restaurant once a week, doing an activity together or staying in and renting a movie?

What do you value in your bedroom? A good quality mattress, luxury sheets, or beautiful art?


Once you get clear on what you value you can make better decisions on where to spend your money. Nowadays you can get quality, high end items at discount prices (such as online specialty outlets).  However, if you are unclear on what you value then you will find yourself bringing home things you don’t really love which ultimately devalues yourself and your space.  This translates into negative energy that expands into your space, your wardrobe, your relationships and ultimately your career, health and finances!  Need I say more

Are you ready for financial freedom?  Ready to honor your values and surround yourself in an environment that affirms who you are and flows with positive energy?  I have a perfect first step.  Today, I am offering a special savings opportunity to purchase my 90 minute recorded teleclass, Define your Money Style:  How to use the Secrets of Feng Shui to Increase Your Income at a 25% savings!  That is a savings of almost $15Don’t miss this limited time offer – it ends midnight November 1st, 2013!  Enter Coupon Code VALUEME at check out.

Please post any comments or questions below.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Feng Shui expert, Christine Bove, inspires successful women to allow their creative energies to flow into their environments, images and mindsets to improve their confidence, bring clarity to their future and set them up for success.  Sign up to receive her 5 Feng Shui video tips at www.christinebove.com.”