Is your wardrobe holding back your business growth? Imagine the potential for personal growth and empowerment that could be unlocked by a wardrobe transformation.

Many women who work from home make two common wardrobe mistakes. First, they don’t establish a new signature look. For instance, a signature look could be a tailored blazer paired with a statement necklace and comfortable yet stylish pants. Second, they hang on to corporate clothing they will never wear again. Eventually, they may find themselves needing to attend in-person events, but their work-from-home wardrobe is unsuitable for these high-level networking events, raising questions about their wardrobe.

You may no longer feel connected to the pieces you used to wear in a corporate setting. Working from home has made comfort a priority, but it may not reflect your current energy and identity.

In-person events have a different energy, and the ability to connect with people on a personal level is invaluable for building trust.

If you continue wearing only comfortable clothes for day-to-day activities without having a well-planned wardrobe, it may not align with your personal brand. Your appearance is a powerful tool in networking, just like choosing colors for your website or professional headshots, your look needs to be consistent.

For in-person networking, it’s important to have a well-thought-out look that aligns with the quality of the event. This doesn’t have to be a large collection, but you should prepare a few go-to looks in advance to avoid last-minute stress. One tip is to have a ‘power outfit’ that you feel confident and comfortable in, and another is to have a ‘versatile outfit’ that can be dressed up or down depending on the event.

Before attending any networking event, ask yourself: What is your signature look for networking? What energy, or vibe, do you want to embody when entering a room? For example, you might want to project confidence, approachability, or professionalism. How will your look support the energy you want to project? Your appearance can play a role in building relationships and attracting new business opportunities.

If you find answering these questions challenging or if you feel that your wardrobe is not serving you well, feel free to reach out. Book a call with me to discuss any concerns, and let’s see if I can help you find the best look for you.

Send me a direct message to schedule a call and chat further.