How you start your day determines how it will end. Organizing your space so that the simple daily tasks flow much easier like getting dressed, eating a healthy breakfast and having your keys always in the same spot, will get you up and out the door feeling much more relaxed and productive.

1)  It starts in your bedroom. What is the first thing you hear or see in the morning?  Is it something pleasant and uplifting? Consider changing the annoying buzzing sound on your alarm to something more soothing, like the ocean, your favorite song, crickets anything that feels good to you. What is it you would like to see first thing?  A beautiful piece of art?  A favorite photo or framed quote? Begin by paying attention to the first couple of moments upon waking and notice what’s around you and how that impacts you.  Then determine to make any changes you might need.


2) Set your intention for the day. Just spending 10 minutes in bed either saying 9 things you are grateful for or writing them in a journal will begin to shift the vibe for the rest of your day. You can add affirmations or intentions or things you would love to happen in this day. Go deeper with an audio meditation. Here is a great resources to purchase meditations you can download to your phone.


3) Exercise. Have your workout clothes by the side of your bed, so you can get dressed on the spot. You don’t have to set aside an hour to exercise, just commit to a simple 10 minute workout.  You can have your yoga mat set up in your bedroom or another area of the house, but do this before you go to bed to make it that much easier in the morning. Many websites offer workout videos for a small fee that you can view on your phone, iPad or smart TV.

4) Have a glass of water by your nightstand. The best thing you can drink first thing in the morning is water. Having a full glass by your bedside will motivate you to drink it first. Ideally, it’s better to have a glass of warm water with lemon, to hydrate and detox your body. You can set this up in the kitchen and with the kettle nearby, start the water while you get your workout clothes on.


5) Organize your closet. I’ve never set out my clothes the night before it’s just not my thing but I do usually have an outfit in mind. An organized closet filled with clothes you love, flatter your figure and make you feel good will make getting dressed a simple task in the morning. Spending one hour organizing your closet will give you almost two hours back each week. Organize your closet by having the items you wear most of the time up front for easy access.

6) Eat breakfast at home. Stock your fridge with healthy breakfast food, a simple fruit smoothie in the morning will help energize your body and help you to eat better during the day. With smoothies you can add all kinds of greens, vitamins, chia, flax seeds, etc. and get all your good food in first thing. You will even save money. Click here for my Berry smoothie recipe.


7) Always know where your keys are. This simple magnetic hook is where I keep my keys. Having a designated spot for my keys saves me so much time in the morning. I’ve had this key holder for 5 years and it’s been one of my best purchases.


8) Use your drive to work to set up the energy for your day.  As you drive to work, play your favorite music and start to think of the way you would like your day to unfold. Here are some examples I do, Blast love to everyone you meet today, set the intention that all your conversations will be positive and uplifting (this really works), see yourself laughing and having fun. Play around with this be creative and see what works for you. I will tell you this has helped me many times in my life, especially when I was working in jobs I hated.

These simple morning tips can have a powerful impact on your day. If you can just to implement one of these tips in the next 30 days you will see some positive change.

Take a step further by commenting below which tip you are going to do, just writing out your commitment sets a powerful tone.

If you feel overwhelmed, book a Feng Shui consultation and let me help you clear the clutter and get organized. Click here to set up a complimentary 15-minute consultation to chat with me about your home. Once you fill out the application you will receive an email to schedule your complimentary session.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Feng Shui expert, Christine Bove, inspires successful women to allow their creative energies to flow into their environments, images, and mindsets to improve their confidence, bring clarity to their future and set them up for success. Sign up to receive her 5 Feng Shui video tips at”