Who’s in charge of your hormones?  Its time to reclaim your feminine vitality!

That’s the title of my video interview with Women’s Health Coach, Nicole Jardin.  Nicole is the founder of The Healthy Elements, a business dedicated to helping women take control of their hormonal health naturally.  She is also the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of private and group programs that empower women to heal their menstrual conditions in a fun and sassy way.

I am happy to share some of Nicole’s insights and expert opinions with you, my clients, supporters and friends.  As a Feng Shui expert I work with clients in their homes and see all their stress and complaints about life. There is often so much stress surrounding people’s lives and many are unclear about who they are.  I am passionate about helping my clients beyond Feng Shui to truly help take them to a deeper level of understanding ourselves.

In the interview Nicole and I chat about our cycles and why we women are the way we are.  Here are a few things we discuss:

  • How to schedule certain events around your optimal energy each month. 
  • Demystify the “Bi-a-tch” syndrome – understand your cycle and how you can leverage it in your day to day life – manage your moods and energy levels, know when to ask for a raise, go on a date or shop for new clothes. 
  • Learn a to use a natural birth control and the most crucial days to get pregnant or avoid getting pregnant.
  • Discover how cortisol levels could be one of the reasons why you are not sleeping.
  • Learn the real truth behind why your sex drive has diminished and how to revitalize your love life.
  • Plus, I’m sharing all my Feng Shui secrets!

Every woman should check this interview out!  You won’t be disappointed!  If you love what you hear, you can check out Nicole’s NEW home study program. The program is called Fix Your Period 4-Week Home Study Program click on the link to learn more and to register.

So what are you waiting for, reclaim your feminine vitality and check out this video!  And don’t forget to leave your comments!