What if I end up regretting throwing this thing out?

Have you ever thrown something out and regretted it?

I know I have, but I’ve learned to accept the choice, knowing better things are replacing it.

It’s not unusual for my clients to have a little pile of items that we refer to as “unsure” of their readiness to part with them when I’m in the middle of a closet edit.

This pile aims to find any obstacles that might prevent the object from being released.

Identifying the resistance will also shed some light on other areas of your life you are holding back.

The most common resistance to letting go of articles of clothing is the cost, memories, and size.

Today, there are many ways to sell clothing, although the price we get depends on how in-demand and valuable the item is.

If you have happy memories of the occasions when you wore a particular item of clothing, then you can be sure that someone else will feel the same way.

Hoping to fit back into your skinny clothes has more of a negative than a positive impact. Make peace with your current size and be eager about your new wardrobe. 

The last option is to set a 30-day expiration date. Donate it if you don’t wear it within 30 days.

You can use these suggestions to declutter other areas of your house. When you are more enthusiastic about what is coming in to replace this thing, letting go will be easier.

What is the best example you have of letting go of something that wasn’t exciting you anymore and having something better come along?