The most popular topic people come to me with is clutter and being more organized. It’s a more challenging topic as we live in a society that teaches more is better and with easy access to anything with a touch of a button, it’s no wonder it has become a problem.

The biggest mistake people make with clutter is believing it’s just about getting organized with the right tools and that’s a big mistake.

My definition of clutter is when you are believing that things outside of you are going to make you happy.

As my coach Todd Herman has said several times, “Happiness is an inside job.”

If you try to find happiness in the material world you will constantly be looking for it, never satisfied.

I’ve heard many people speak about studies that reveal emotional changes that happen when you purchase something new and how it impacts you for 3 days. But after that, you lose the feeling and are on to something new.

Several years ago I had a friend who was really into luxury watches. She didn’t have a luxury salary to afford them, but her birthday was coming up and she decided to use most of her money to buy this watch that she got a good discount on. For weeks I heard all about this watch (have you had a friend do this) she was so excited and talked about it all the time. Although I was getting tired of hearing about it, I was impressed with how she manifested that money and got her watch.

The thing I noticed was after a week her excitement wore off and I asked her how she felt about her watch, I noticed her energy was not the same and although she was happy, she admitted that she lost the excitement and felt a little remorse over spending most of her extra money as now she wasn’t able to do other things.

Now I’m not saying don’t buy those things you desire, but just to make sure that when you make the purchase you recognize the excitement won’t last!

The lesson is to ask yourself questions before buying something:

Why do I want this?

What do I think it is going to do for me?

Is it going to solve a problem in your life?

Are you going to be committed to the program or process?

Are you going to read the book?

Are you going to decorate the rest of the house after you purchase this item?

I’ve always taught clients to see the underlying meaning in their clutter. If you can get to the meaning behind the purchase and eliminate buying things you don’t use or need, you will become more organized because you will have fewer things to organize!

So before you run out and buy something just for a 3-day high. Take a look at your current surrounding and ask yourself what is the void I’m trying to fill.

It may not come right away, but in a few days, you will understand more.  I would love to hear your insights.  Please hit reply and send!

Here’s to keeping you focused and helping you live a more luxurious lifestyle.

P.S. Are you ready for a Lifestyle Makeover? My new private coaching program is designed to help you simplify and uplevel your career and lifestyle. To take the leap fill out the application and let’s chat.