This question can seem frustrating, especially when you’re trying on a pair of pants in one color, and you’re a size 6, but in another color, you’re a size 8. 

Nothing is more frustrating than this inconsistency. 

It’s important to understand that there are no universal size standards for clothing, so stores and brands may have their own sizing charts. 

Several factors can affect the size of a garment such as the design, fabric type, and overall style.

It’s important to remember that size is just a number, and it doesn’t define you. 

Don’t get upset if you wear a bigger size in one store than another. It’s likely due to the store’s unique cutting and sizing approach.

 So, never limit yourself or define yourself by a number that is inconsistent, as there is no such thing as a perfect size.

Which brands do you think have the most inconsistent sizing?